Key handover – it’s ours!!!
Reader Survey results
PCI: Practical Completion

One of the biggest milestones in building is what’s called “Practical Completion” (PCI). This means the build is basically finished, and all that’s usually left is a few minor fixes. At this stage, we undertake what’s commonly called a Practical Completion Inspection (PCI for short), although our builder calls it …
Energy Efficient Curtains
What should Eco Home Style do next?

So now that we’re heading towards the finish line, it’s become clear that the raison d’être of my blog has to either come to an end or change direction very soon. As I’ve enjoyed blogging so much, I’d like to keep doing it, but am asking for a little guidance on the sort of content you are interested in reading. So, I created a survey! Oh, and we have a PCI date!