What should Eco Home Style do next?

Good ol’ Frank Sinatra, he certainly knew a thing or two… somehow, right now, I can relate to this sentiment as our house build is drawing to a close (I hope).


We have a final PCI date! Yes that’s right, after a few false starts, we are now definitely doing PCI (practical completion inspection) on the 26th November, in the afternoon. We have vague plans on moving in possibly on the 16th December, if all goes well and our driveway gets built and our painter gets his painting on.

So now that we’re heading towards the finish line, it’s become clear that the raison d’être of my blog has to either come to an end or change direction very soon. As I’ve enjoyed blogging so much, I’d like to keep doing it, but am asking for a little guidance on the sort of content you are interested in reading.

So, I’ve created a survey! Hands up who enjoys filling out a form!


All joking aside, it would make me really happy if you could take the time to fill out the survey, and give me some ideas on what else you would like to read about.


Thank you so much! xx


P.S. If the link doesn’t work, please let me know so I can fix it!

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  1. Fingers crossed for your PCI trixee!
    I have just completed your survey and it all worked fine 🙂

  2. Woooo hooo – that is just around the corner!
    So exciting Trixeee ☺
    I’ve completed survey – all good.
    Hike was fantastic – still a few spring flowers out and it’s on the list to do earlier in the season next year. You would love it.
    Glamping Trixee – I ticked off bush camping a few years back but now I love getting back to a comfortable bed, nice meal and glass of wine. I think I am getting old!
    Have a great weekend – summer is on the way 36 degrees!!

    • It’s next week Deb! Positively cannot wait. Thank you for completing the survey 🙂
      Not old, Deb, just wise 😉 I’m with you on the glamping – I haven’t tried to be honest, but it sounds right up my alley.
      Glad you managed to catch a few flowers on your hike, there’s still a few out but I think Sept-Oct is the best time to go. Do you do this every year?

  3. We’ve done a couple of hikes in NZ but first time here. We will definitely do parts of the Cape to Cape next year around Sept. Put it on your bucket list Trixee – I think you would really enjoy it.
    Next week – how exciting!!

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