Pipes and Tubes

I got all excited this morning because I heard the internal plastering was going to start, and in my mind I had some cool “before and after” photos to show you. But that didn’t quite happen, so all I’ve got are the “before” photos. But nevertheless! I still find them kind of exciting, tubes and what not sticking out of the walls. I know, I need a life don’t I? 

This post is a bit of a mish-mash, as lots of little things have happened in the last week that are worth mentioning.

But before I start, check out the number of solar panels on this building! 

Eco Home Style

Solar panels on Cannington Police station

OK, back to the fun stuff.

The external renderer guy comes along each day to do a bit of rendering. This is almost nearly done, I think all that’s left is the front of the house.

Also, we have a hot water system on the roof! It looks kind of big. We opted for a Rinnai Prestige System K, which is an electric-boosted solar hot water system.

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External render and hot water system

Incidentally, this is the view we have to the east. Obviously, this is a close-up, but there’s a lovely copse of trees there. On the very right is a jacaranda, which looks marvellous in summer.

Borrowed landscape - Eco Home Style

This is what the view actually looks like. It’s a bit ugly at the moment with the fence and weeds, but just imagine it with some landscaping in the foreground!

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Borrowed landscape, waiting to be enjoyed once more. Currently the foreground is filled with weeds, but there will eventually be garden so it should look prettier next year.

Back to the build! Down the side of the house, we have a tap. Notice the long plastic thing? This has been put around our downpipe pops so that rain doesn’t ruin the render work.

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Outdoor tap and downpipe render protection.

The alfresco area has had some pipework done – gas, power, and cold water. This is for our future outdoor kitchen, which is yet to be planned.

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Alfresco pipework for future outdoor kitchen.

Outside the master bedroom we will have the isolation valve for the hot water system. That’s the copper piping loop you see sticking out of the wall.

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Future hot water system isolation valve.

Speaking of loops, this is the copper piping for the rainwater tank loop.

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Rainwater loop

We had a bit of fun taking the mini-drone for a spin. Mr Trixee even managed to get it into the rafters, but it didn’t last long.

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Drone ahoy!

Back to the build!

Pipes and tubes - Eco Home Style

Guest bathroom nib wall and plumbing.

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Ensuite double vanity

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Ensuite shower tap with niche cut in

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Pipes to the kitchen island

Pipes and tubes - Eco Home Style

Water pipes in the roof

That’s all folks! This week, the internal plastering should be starting, bringing us closer to lock up. Can’t wait!

(Visited 269 times, 1 visits today)


  1. I enjoyed the mish mash post Trixee ☺
    Lucky you having such a beautiful backdrop of established trees – the Jacaranda will look stunning in summer.

  2. Love your visit count! Plenty of action going on. Render looks great.

    • There’s a visit count? Heh, didn’t even realise that was showing up. I’m looking forward to the render being finished and painted, then it will start to look more like a home!

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