Best delivery ever… bricks!

I was pretty excited about the slab. After all, it was “concrete” evidence of our new house (pun intended, ha!).

But delivery of the bricks makes it so much more real! I just had to share these photos with you all.

First view of the bricks as we rounded the corner. They're not red! For some reason I was expecting red bricks. These look nice though.

First view of the bricks as we rounded the corner. They’re not red! For some reason I was expecting red bricks. These look nice though.

More presents! A meter box, and lintels? And some black things that I don't know what they are.

More presents! A meter box, and lintels? And some black things that I don’t know what they are.

A couple of obligatory cracked pipes. I imagine it's hard to see where you're going in those tractors. Will get fixed no doubt.

A couple of obligatory cracked pipes. I imagine it’s hard to see where you’re going in those tractors. Will get fixed no doubt.

Our back yard. Trying to envision the landscaping to come.

Our back yard. Trying to envision the landscaping to come.

View down the side to the front. Chalk(?) outlines of where the internal bricks are to be laid.

View down the side to the front. Chalk(?) outlines of where the internal bricks are to be laid. The sticky outy bit on the left is the pantry, with the kitchen in front of it. The bit after it is the library. The pool of water you see is where the laundry will be. It’s been chiselled out as it’s a wet area (at the moment, literally!)

View from the front to the garage. They left a nice sand ramp for us.

View to the garage from the front. They left a nice sand ramp for us, made it nice and easy to get on and off the slab.

Steel wirey things!

Steel wirey things! I wonder what they’re for? Brick ties?

We’ve been told that the brickwork should start some time next week, when the team finishes up their current job. That will put it at roughly 3 weeks since the slab was laid.

And we still have some decisions to make before the next prestart, which should happen in a couple of weeks by my estimate. Eep!



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  1. Woohoo! Every stage is exciting for different reasons.

    Slab was amazing as it marked the beginning and after such a long planning phase, it was surreal to see real action happen on site. Frames were even more exciting and I remember nearly choking up as I pulled up and saw the framework of our house for the first time. And now bricks! The house is really coming alive and how freaking awesome to see the space as I’d envisioned. I’m sure the next stages are bound to be more exciting than the ones before.

    Enjoy every stage Trixee! Fingers crossed your brickies start on schedule

    • Thanks sheilzy! After such a long time planning I’m sure the build will just fly by, and I fully intend to soak up every inch of it!

  2. Congratulations! And it gets more and more exciting from here on…

    • Thanks Miranda! How are you settling in to your house?

      • It’s so nice to have a house: being able to unpack all our things (wedding presents included), having space to relax in and being able to invite friends around. I love it. Now if only our landscapers and “six month” maintenance people would hurry up and finish and leave us alone to enjoy the house.

  3. Exciting!!!! Love how fun every step is.

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