Slab slab slab slab! SLABBED!

FINALLY! We have – wait for it – a slab! They started the footings on Wednesday, and Thursday was the day of the Big Pour.

I got up unreasonably early (which happens to be Mr T’s normal wakeup time) and hot-footed it down to the block both days. Wednesday was a bit boring, had a quick chat with one of the guys but didn’t stay long. It was mildly disappointing.

But Thursday! Thursday was a day of excitement! They’d just started pouring by the time I got there just after 7. I hung around until about 8.45 then regrettably left to go to work. Met the site supervisor, who seemed lovely. He filled me in on what was happening and plans for the next few weeks, and gave me his number.

I came back during my lunch break to find the slab done, with the guys just doing some finishing off. Brought them a slab of beer (a slab for a slab!) and thanked them for their work.

The slab will sit there curing for 2-3 weeks. I guess how long depends on when they can get brickies. Meanwhile, the fence guy will be by to redo the fence, and the plumber will be dropping in to put in the soakwells and do other plumbing stuff. And something about the termite guy coming in to spray the slab tomorrow.

Not really much more to say, so why don’t you just feast your eyes on this little beauty:


And here are some action shots:









For the truly inspired, some videos (albeit crap quality, dunno what happened there):

When I get a bit more energy, I’ll post a timelapse-ish thing up.


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  1. Excellent. I’m “very inspired”. It’s very cool to see. I love them in their work thongs. Not many tradies get away with that. It looks very large. When are you allowed to walk on it? I’m guessing tomorrow if that’s when the termite treatment goes on.

  2. Wow wow wow! I love the angles. Your slab is like no other I’ve seen. It’s friggin awesome. I’m so excited to see the house take shape. Conslabulations

  3. Lovely! So when in the next couple of weeks are you having your slab party?

  4. I like it – a slab for a slab!
    I also like the way your house is angled, it will give you some really creative landscaping opportunities.

    • We’re already finding it challenging doing some mock-ups! Basically that whole side of the house will be vegetation so we can have nice views from those rooms.

  5. Congratulations Trixee – a very big day!

  6. Such an exciting day :))))). Congrats

  7. Congratulations. What a moment. What a slab! Exciting. Do you have an ETA for brickies? There’s a bit of a shortage at the moment – some friends have been able to procure them in just a couple of weeks and others have been given a 3.5 month wait. Ours should hopefully start in the next week or two.

    • The builder seems fairly confident that bricks will start in 2-3 weeks. So who knows! I kind of hope it takes a little longer so that the slab cures a bit more before bricking.

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