Scheduling Fun

Now that we’re finally in construction, I’ve been looking at our post-handover to-do list and trying to figure out when I’ll need to schedule the trades in for. Don’t want to drag out the moving in fun any longer than I have to!

Our contract states the builder has 280 working days from the date they received the building permit, which I’ve noted as being the 27th November 2014.

So I asked Google, and Google showed me this nifty website:

This website tells me that 280 weekdays from then is 24th December 2015 – Christmas eve! Yikes. Count in public holidays, though, and that puts it at 6th Jan 2016.

I *hope* that is pessimistic, and the builder will have it done within his initial 6-7 months estimate, which my dodgy calculations put at the end of September.



Initial Schedule Estimate (click to embiggen)


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  1. According to your schedule, we will be neck and neck! My prediction, however, is November for you. I’m starting to do a post-handover plan too, so let’s compare notes soon! Are you painting post handover? That could be a biggie. (Closely related to “embiggen”.)

    • As long as we’re in by Christmas, I’ll be happy! We will be painting after handover, still not sure if we’re doing it ourselves or getting someone in. We’ll probably end up getting someone. Though I keep hearing things about leaving the painting for a bit until the house settles. Don’t know, so confusing!

  2. Also very similar timing to us. It seems there will be a lot of big grins this Christmas! We’ve thought about what we have to do post-handover but haven’t planned it yet. It would be 45min school runs for the rest of the year if we lived in the new place which would just do my head in. I want to hold off until the school year is finished – and the house is all painted, flooring is in, curtins etc all done.

  3. I guess public transport would be difficult out your way. Holding off until the end of the school year sounds like a good idea!

  4. Looks like you will all have handovers for Christmas!
    I am going to try your website Trixee and see what dates it gives us ☺

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