Kitchen Update Using Polyvore Mood Boards

Using Polyvore for Mood Boards

As our kitchen selections have firmed up, I’m revisiting all of my mood boards. Contrary to when I first started doing mood boards, I’m now finding the kitchen one the easiest by far. I think it’s because I now have such a clear picture in my head from doing all the selections. …

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The crazy roof emerges

No work on Friday, but they started up again yesterday. When I went for a sticky beak, I thought the roof looked crazy, but today took it up a notch! I’ll attempt to annotate where these photos were taken from, but I may have forgotten some. And now, some close-ups… …

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The beginnings of a roof

When we first received our house design, we knew it was going to be a bit unusual due to the unfortunate orientation of the block. In my blissful ignorance, I didn’t consider the challenges it would introduce during the building process. One of these challenges is an interesting roof line. …

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Tour de Rubbish

Not much actual building happened on the block this week, but we did have some crucial preparations for the next stage: site rubbish clean and delivery of roof timbers. That’s right, next week is roof week! So while we’re waiting for tomorrow to happen, I thought it would be interesting …

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Plumbing the depths

Plumbing and tapware selections

On Friday we received a bombardment of emails from the builder regarding the plumbing selections they need. So this weekend is being spent in a flurry of checking and double-checking. Luckily, we’ve been (mostly) prepared for this round. My endless back and forth with plumbing suppliers is about to come …

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I was a little concerned that it would be a while before we could get the concreters back to do the foundations for the pillars, but luck appeared to be on our side and today we got the pillars for the portico and the alfresco. Here are some pictures. So …

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Bracing with Beams of Steel

The end of the week was supposed to signal the end of brickwork, but it didn’t quite work out that way. It’s all done bar the pillars for the portico and alfresco – and for that we need concrete.  Hopefully that will happen soon. The exciting part of the week, …

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The great deluge

Perth experienced quite a bit of rain last week, so we were a bit anxious this would mean that the Return of the Brickies would be delayed. But it also made for an interesting perspective of the build. All our wet areas were, actually, wet. And we appeared to have …

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